Before I purchased a dress off this website, I read EVERY review I possibly could. At first, I thought that it was a little odd that every review was 5 stars and "fits perfect", "great communication with designer", "pretty", but i still bit the bullet and brought this dress. I NOW UNDERSTAND WHY EVERY REVIEW IS 5 STARS. This dress looks exactly like the picture, the lace is stunning, and it fits as if it was made for my scrawny self. HERE IS A BONUS: IT HAS A BUILD IN BRA. so you dont have to worry about a strapless bra all night. The only thing about the dress that doesn't quiet capture in the picture is that the dress is not as poof as it is in the picture. also, there is a silk skirt under all that tool. Feels amazing. You can't really lift your arms all the way up but that's just part of having a straight cut strapless dress. All and all, I got this dress 13 days after ordering it. It is well put together, comfortable, breathable, and over all beautiful. IF YOU ARE NOT SO SURE ABOUT BUYING A DRESS ONLINE FROM THIS STORE, DON'T BE. IT'S FINE, EVERYTHING IS JUST LIKE THE PICTURE, AND ITS ACTUALLY REALLY NICE.